Plant diseases seminar at Murdoch University this Friday

Plant Diseases Seminar At Murdoch University This Friday 1

Speakers from the DWG and CPSM will be presenting on Phytophthora Dieback and marri canker at the upcoming Managing significant native plant diseases of south-west WA seminar at Murdoch University this Friday as part of Perth NRM’s Professional development in Environmental Management Series.
Perth NRM invitesenvironmental managers, researchers, landscapers and community leaders to this seminar which will assist you to understand the environmental impact of these pathogens and to learn about methods to manage their spread.
Kat Sambrooks, from the Dieback Working Group and Louise Croeser, PhD Candidate from CPSM at Murdoch University will be speaking. Kat will also give an update from the recent IUFRO Phytophthora in Forests and natural Ecosystems conference in Sa Pa, Vietnam as part of her presentation. Come and join us on Friday 7 April at the Biological Sciences Lecture Theatre at Murdoch University at 9.15 am.
Details as follows:
Date: Friday 7th of April, 2017
Time: 9:15am – 11:45am
 The Biological Sciences Lecture Theatre, Murdoch University, 90 South St Murdoch.
Cost: $30 per person (morning tea provided) 
Registration closes Wednesday 5th April  so register now at
Additional info can be found here:
Managing Significant Native Plant Diseases of South West_WA *Green Card: Don’t forget to register for our Green Card Training for Local Government, supported by Perth NRM, at the end of the month. Details at