DIG 2022
Bendat Parent and Community CentreOur annual Dieback Information Group conference will be kicking off on the 31st August and 1st September! Don't miss out and make sure to get your tickets now. DIG brings [...]
Our annual Dieback Information Group conference will be kicking off on the 31st August and 1st September! Don't miss out and make sure to get your tickets now. DIG brings [...]
"Seeing the Forest for the Trees"Dieback Information Group (DIG) Conference - 20-21 August 2024Venue: Murdoch University, Boorloo, Perth, WAPhoto Credit: Castle Rock, Porongurup National Park - Tourism AustraliaBringing together the latest in scientific knowledge, best land management practices and industry innovation in the Phytophthora science and management space.This year's conference theme is “Seeing the Forest [...]
FREE Event - In person or OnlineJoin us for an important Myrtle Rust workshop on Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024. The workshop is FREE, you can attend in person in Albany or online via Teams (link emailed to you once registered).We will kick things off with a 1.5-hour myrtle rust field training followed by a 1-hour workshop and discussion presented by [...]
Where: Main Roads Western Australia, Don Aitken Centre, Waterloo Crescent EAST PERTH, Whadjuk Noongar Boodja and OnlineThe Dieback Working Group are holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 7th online and in person at Main Roads Western Australia. If you wish to support DWG and our efforts, we would like to invite you to [...]