Community Dieback Busting Day Sunday 25th of September

West Leeming Primary School and the Dieback Working Group are holding a community dieback busting day this Sunday 25th of September at Dudley Hartree Reserve iin Leeming. The community is invited to come down to Dudley Hartree Reserve to help out with the Dieback Busting Day. The reserve is threatened by Phytophthora Dieback so we will be spending the morning injecting the trees with the chemical phosphite. Phosphite is a salt solution that acts to trigger the immune reponse of the plants, helping them to fend off Phytophthora Dieback.

The event will be a fun way for the community to get hands-on in helping to protect their bushland reserve. Details are below:
Date: Sunday 25th of September
Time: 9am – 12pm
Location: Dudley Hartree Reserve, Westall Tce,Leeming
Provided: Drills, syringes, gloves, safety glasses, drill bits, phosphite
To bring: Hat, sunscreen, personal water bottle, closed-in sensible shoes, long pants, long sleeves.
*you are welcome to bring your own drills and gloves. Sunglasses will be suitable if you don’t have safety glasses.

This event is supported by the City of Melville who will be putting on a morning tea for volunteers.

The program for the day will go as follows:

9:00am  – Meet at Dudley Hartree Reserve (look for tables and treatment equipment)
– Introduction and demonstration by Kat Sambrooks
– Filling of syringes and treating trees
10:30am – Morning tea break
11:15am – Collecting syringes
11:45am – packing away equipment
12:00pm – Event wrap-up

1.Children aged 10 and up are welcome to participate but must have a parent or guardian with them. This is a great oportunity for children from West Leeming Primary School to help protect their local bushland. Children are sole responsibility of their parent or gaurdian.
2. The chemical phosphite is a salt solution and is not recommended for injesting by humans. If injested, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth immediately.
It can sting if it gets in the eye, we recommend washing out immediately with water. Wearing safety glassess or sun glassess shoul help stop the chemical from splashing into your eyes.
3. Drills are tools with a bit that can put a hole through just about anything and will burn human skin if touched after recent use. We enforce that gloves are worn while operating the drills and that drill operators are mindful of their surroundings and not use the drill in too close proximity to others.
4. Biting insects and reptiles will be active over these warmer days. Take care to watch where you step and take loud, deliberate steps through the bush to help give the snakes some warning. We will have first aid on hand.
5. Slips, trips and falls are always a consideration when working in bushland. Wear closed in sturdy shoes and watch where you put your feet. ABSOLUTELY NO RUNNING IN THE BUSH.
6. Sunburn and heatstroke are a big risk which is why we ask you to wear a hat and suncreen, bring a bottle of water to drink from regularly and seek shade where possible.
7. Food allergies can be fatal, if you have a serious food allergy please ask what is in the food before consuming and we will make that information available to you.
Remember your safety is our concern but your responsibility – follow our recommendations and you should have a fantastic day.

Please contact Kat Sambrooks to regsister for the event, we look forward to seeing the whole local community on-board. Email [email protected]